Sunday, August 12, 2012

Country girl at heart

After one week as a farm girl I have learnt a number of things. Neighbours are paramount to survival.  Good neighbours make all the difference to how you fit into a community.  They help to celebrate what is good in life, and support you when things are hard.  Country people should be valued.  They take you in, welcome you and accept you for who you are.  They are also there to help when the pump breaks, when the dogs need feeding and you are out of town. Sheep might be silly, but rams can be downright mean. Don't turn your back on a bull....there is no point tempting fate. Quad bikes are great fun....but have the potential to be dangerous. Cleaning out the chicken shed is hard work....even with Harriet providing moral support. Water to the house runs out when you are loading up the car to head off to the airport. There is nothing better than a pot of home made soup on a cold winters day for lunch. Two pairs of socks are better than one. Dogs too love to snuggle by the fire. Chooks eat just about anything....they are e ultimate recycling machine. I am a country girl at heart....but I suspect I knew this already.

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