Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cradle Mountain

We had to run an errand which saw us heading to Devonport. Perfect way to cap off the 2.30 hour road trip was to detour to Cradle Mountain before heading back to the farm. Much as I love the farm, mini adventures and overnighters is what Tasmania is all about, so at the first hint of an excursion I was in. Cradle Mountain is truly beautiful. A large section of unspoilt wilderness. Perfect for exploring and walking. For those adventurous souls there is the Overland Track - a walk of 80 or so kilometres that takes anything from 5 - 7 days. Each year over 8000 people walk this track. For those more sensible souls there are a range of day walks ranging from 30 minutes or so to a couple of hours. Given weather conditions the choice is yours. The set up to support visitation is quite impressive and given the number of people visiting the area, the behind the scenes coordination goes a long way to making things viable and minimising the human impact on this Heritage listed wilderness area. Even in April, with drizzle and wind, the weather was cold and far from pleasant. That said everyone just got in and enjoyed the scenery regardless. We still took photographs and some of these I think will still capture the raw beauty of Cradle Mountain. Appearing through the fog, rising behind Dove Lake I can only imagine how impressive this mountain is in clear weather. For me though, the Boat Shed and the rainbow we saw more than made up for any disappointment at seeing Cradle Mountain itself disappear into the mist. I have never seen a rainbow arc a full semi circle like this one did. It was an awe inspiring sight. One that you could never fully imagine without having seen it for yourself. 2.4.2013


  1. Did you go looking for the pot of gold? I would have been tempted!

  2. There would have been two! One at each end, so plenty to share with you, but you had to stay on the trail!
