Who would have thought that my visit to Roma would have brought bake memories of Barcelona? Certainly not me. For me Barcelona is the ultimate Spanish destination. For a girl so smitten with mosaic, this city was always going to feature high on my list of favourite cities. The other memories relate to food and to flamenco.

It is memories of flamenco that Roma revived.
The group Flamenco Fire was in town.

One performance only and we were invited to attend. My initial concerns that an Australian group would be sadly lacking, turned out to by my inaccurate assumption. These guys know their stuff. They live and breath flamenco, and this was evident as soon as they began to lure the audience under their spell.
With two dancers

Simone Pope

La Chica
plus three musicians (Andrew Veivers, Andrej Vujicic and Shenzo Gregorio) and a singer (Eva Pinero) the combination of talent was magical. Gypsy Pathways, as performed by the group took us from the ring of the bullfighter to the gypsy camp. The passion of these dancers was incredible to see, at times performing individually, at others it was like a battle of wills taking place on stage. As for costume changes, the stage presence of the dancers was matched only by their costumes.

While I loved La Chica taking on the role of the toreador, and then later, battling her shawl it was the impromptu encore that most captured my imagination.

If I half closed my eyes, I could almost believe I was back in the streets of Barcelona, and that isn't a bad place to be.
Looks like you had fun!