Tuesday, October 23, 2012


From the top of the hill, the view of Paris should have been spectacular.  With the mist however visibility was limited.  It was eerie, but still quite beautiful. Needless to say I still took photographs. Montmartre was busy, even on a Sunday.  It seemed almost that Parisienne's do their fresh fruit and meat shopping on a Sunday.  The markets, fresh produce shops and streets generally were teeming with people.  Not just tourists, but trendy young things and families too.  I very much enjoyed looking at the different meats, sausages, pheasants wrapped with some feathers still, ready to be served to a Parisienne household for dejeuner.  The cheeses and seafood are something else too, with more variety than we would ever get at home.  Prices for seafood were much cheaper too which I couldn't understand given our production in Australia.  As for the vegetables, they are the thing I am most familiar with so if living here long term am happy I would not starve.  Certainly the fresh produce makes for a colorful street scene. 21.10.2012

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