This year saw a friend coordinating a community based mosaic project called the Butterfly Effect. The final work I contributed to the opening exhibition was a two panelled piece showing the caleterpillar of the Swallowtail Butterfly. Strange how something haunts you. Since wortking on this moasaic I have come across numerous reproductions of not only the Swallowtail Butterfly but also the caterpillar. Incredible. Have included a work in progress and th fnal piece just before mounting it onto garden pavers and grouting it.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Butterfly effect
This year saw a friend coordinating a community based mosaic project called the Butterfly Effect. The final work I contributed to the opening exhibition was a two panelled piece showing the caleterpillar of the Swallowtail Butterfly. Strange how something haunts you. Since wortking on this moasaic I have come across numerous reproductions of not only the Swallowtail Butterfly but also the caterpillar. Incredible. Have included a work in progress and th fnal piece just before mounting it onto garden pavers and grouting it.
Butterfly Effect,
Swallowtail Butterfly
Realised that I hadnt shared a photo of the final version of the ring tailed lemurs yet, so here it is. Titled Troop of Trouble, this piece was exhibited in the MAANZ 30:30 exhibition this year. Made of smalti (gret, white and black sections) and vitreous glass tile, the work measures 30cm x 30cm. Theme for the show was a "pattern from nature with a minimum of five repetitions."
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Kings Beach sunrise

Where in the world would you rather be at this moment? It really is so beautiful here. Dudley's Mum showed a great spot for watching the sunrise, so I ventured forth this morning camera in hand to see what I could find. Beautiful morning, but very cloudy. Not what I was expecting perhaps, but equally beautiful.
Walked the length of the beach again, looking at the totems, collecting shells and small fragments of coral. Found the shell seekers dream idea what type of shell it is, but gorgeous colours and in perfect condition. No little animal residing within so it is now with me to return to Brisbane as a memento.
Met a guy with his son, walking with a three legged Jack Russell. They don't know his name, he accompanied them from the caravan park where they are staying. From Glouchester, they are in Bowen for a couple of weeks. Got talking as you do and they are going to come to the iPad training session at the library this return, fresh coconut for me to try. Love this lifestyle, and how welcoming people are.
Got to go twilight sailing. Totally not what I expected. We were racing 4 other boats, which translates as we were moving. None of this sedate waltz across the water that I might have been expecting. At times we were side on in the water, so close you could dip a toe in, all the while racing. Even with a handicap to allow for our old girls sedate pace, we were never going to win, but as far as experiences go, the absolute best. Surprised myself by not getting sea sick too. Very proud of that fact, as I had no idea whether I had sea legs or not. It was exhilarating, laugh out loud stuff. The best! So thanks go to our host who really did look like an old style sea dog.
Bowen totems

On Kings Beach, along the high tide mark there are a series of totems. I like to think that someone or something tiptoes in during the wee hours of the morning to create these unique little pieces. Made entirely from found objects washed up on the shoreline, they are constructed quite simply, and so beautifully, with driftwood, pieces of coral, seaweed and other pieces of marine treasure. There are half a dozen or so of them, marking the boundary of this little piece of heaven on earth. So simple, yet they speak volumes. The best in earth art.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Bowen is a must see

Well, day two in Bowen underway with walk along Rose Bay. Headed that way as the map said it was dog off lease. Dudley and Delilah's Mum adopted me so we wales the length of the beach talking and laughing at dog antics as you dog. Was greeted with warmth by the dogs, mostly due to lingering scents of Willow and Cinque I am sure. Beautiful beach, with it taking a good hour to walk the length of the bay and a fast pace. This city girls feet could hardly keep up tiptoeing through the shells and coral.
Another highlight was seeing beach "totems" apparently someone local makes them from time to time along the high tide line. Each one is unique and they could sit happily at Swell, the beach sculpture exhibition at Cummrrumbin each year. Made of natural objects, they flow back into the environment as time takes it's toll. Beautiful moment to see them as sentinels of the beach. The tiny little birds scurrying along the waterline are sweet too. So small, that at first I thought they were crabs. Dudley's Mum said they call them "sand skippers".
For me so far Bowen has been full of little moments like this. Yesterday's was seeing this little thing hop out from under a shrub. Initially I thought it was a small (very small) wallaby or native rat, but as it hoppity hopped across in front of me I realized my mistake. First siting of a Bower Bird and one happy girl later....not sure where he was off to, but I was thrilled to see him. Also saw Black Cockatoos (of the red tailed variety) so that was pretty amazing too. Should see the mess under the tree they are feeding in....they obviously break of the blossom and tips of the branches as they work their way through breakfast, so there was foliage all over the ground. Have only seen these birds once before. In Brisbane of all places during a drought so it was great to see them in their natural habitat.
So far, other than the humidity am enjoying what Bowen has to offer....foggy glasses though is something I don't enjoy. Not to mention that for me it is downright dangerous.
Fingers crossed as tonight we have been invited twilight sailing. Assuming the weather holds. Big storm late yesterday, so we need a breeze, but not a storm.
Launch of the Summer Reading Club Amazing Read Program today at the library so am looking forward to that.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Air ace

I am working on a project with colleagues to develop "sets" of images from our collections at the State Library of Queensland to share via Flickr Commons. As the result of a mid week training session I was inspired to develop a series of images of "Fancy Dress", then went on to curate a second set "Pet Parade". Not sure when they will go live, but this little boy, named Cyril Stanners, will give you a feel for what to expect. I can only imagine how much effort went into devising and making this costume and prop. Also to come, a gorgeous "bunny" and a very willing tortoise.
...because it is so beautiful
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Work in progress
The working title for this little owl is Baby Blue. You can probably see why. I have been wanting to use this particular vintage china for a while, just wasn't sure which project it was on standby for, then it hit me. So far I am quite happy with how he is coming along What is not evident from the photo of a work in progress is that his side plumage is quite textured and three dimensional. At least that is the plan so far. That said, this little guy will probably develop further before he hits his final look - time will tell. He is worked over a ceramic base, using flexible acrycli adhesive so might yet wing his way to a garden near you.
Stephen Wiltshire draws Brisbane

I am in awe of this man. His talent, his way of working and his ability to excel in a world from which he is isolated. He has made a place for himself, a safe haven from which he comments on what he sees, guided by supportive family. What a talent and what a way to share it. He truly is unique and so inspiring. I am honoured to have seen him create his art. I was breathless from the encounter. Hope you enjoyed Brisbane Stephen and hope you finally got up in that helicopter.
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